


The 终身学习学院 (SLL) meets the needs of present day workers and adult learners, 25岁及以上, 横跨整个州, 地区, 和国家.


The Bachelor of Science in 专业跨学科研究 Degree Program is open to all adult learners who wish to study on a full-time or part-time basis.  Students must meet all admissions requirements set forth by 澳门皇冠体育 and the School of Lifelong Learning.

应用ing to JSU is a simple process through our Future Tigers admissions portal, 我们的顾问随时准备提供帮助. You can monitor your application status at any time in the portal—plus, it is where we will send you exclusive invitations to events and important notifications from campus. 我们很高兴收到您的申请!

Students who are interested in attending are welcomed to arrange a meeting with an academic advisor to have a preliminary review of their transcripts completed to give them an indication of what will be required to complete an undergraduate degree in any of the academic programs within the 终身学习学院. 申请-澳门皇冠体育.


重新接纳 is required for former students not enrolled during the previous semester. For more information, call 1-800-848-6817 or 601-979-2100 or log onto the website at 申请-澳门皇冠体育


The faculty and staff advisors in the 终身学习学院 are committed to helping all students make informed academic and career development decisions.  我们的顾问准备分享适当的, 准确的, and timely information at every stage of your academic career.  Each student admitted is assigned a departmental faculty advisor who is responsible for supporting student success by: 

  • Assisting you in selecting your interdisciplinary program of study.
  • 帮你获取校园资源. 
  • Coaching you through the graduate school application process. 
  • Mentoring you through the job application (or career transition) process.


The 学生支援服务 staff also promotes student success through a series of regular virtual webinars designed to keep students engaged and informed.  这些网络研讨会涵盖的主题包括: 

  • 新生迎新
  • 了解通往事业成功的三种途径
  • 预注册 
  • 毕业间隙
  • 导航研究生院申请过程 
  • 财政援助资源 



The 终身学习学院 academic credit programs are open to all students, 特别是非传统, adult learners who wish to study on a full-time or part-time basis.  Students must meet all admissions requirements set forth by 澳门皇冠体育.  重新接纳 – 重新接纳 is required for former students not enrolled during the previous semester. For more information, call 1-800-848-6817 or 601-979-2100 or log onto the website at http://yjw.getmoneypushn.com/apply/

The 专业跨学科研究 Curriculum includes: 

42学时  通识教育核心
17学时 核心CLL课程(300-400级11学时) 
14学时  Free Electives (THE PATHWAY 9-course from student selected path) 

Interdisciplinary Concentration: Select courses from two different 

disciplines; with a minimum of 12 hours in each discipline. (At least 3 hours must be at 300-400 level); and 


 专业 Concentration: Human Resource Development, General 

Interdisciplinary Studies: Students may custom-design a concentration area to meet their personal and career goals. (300-400级18小时).   



The University Studies Curriculum includes the same major requirements.  However students who pursue this degree must be formally admitted to the Complete to Compete Program.  经核实资格后, students will be able to apply 90 or more previously earned credit hours toward the completion of the stated program requirements.  



The 终身学习学院 recognizes that adult learners often have specific challenges financing the completion of their undergraduate degree.  被JSU录取的学生, who select 专业跨学科研究 as their academic major, and who complete an application for ATLAS support will be considered for a one-time, 以需求为本的部门ATLAS奖.  CONTACT学生支持服务主任,博士. 格洛丽亚J. 了解更多详情。.  

Looking for additional ways to pay for your tenure at 澳门皇冠体育? 不要害怕! 我们是来帮忙的. Browse 奖学金 in our Scholarship Portal to see what you qualify for today.




欲了解更多信息,请致电(601)979-8777与我们CONTACT.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.





(601) 979-8777